dilluns, 5 de maig del 2014

6.- Writing unit 7

Writing unit 7: Write an opinion essay

The government plans to introduce a new law which will introduce school on Saturday mornings in order to improve the level of education. In my point of view, this would have some negative consequences.
In the first place, I believe that the weekends are for a reson: to relax. If the children and the teenagers have to go to school on Saturdays morning it’s possible that some of them don’t have time to do other things like, sports, or do our homeworks. So if this law is introduced, i’ve no doubt that a lot of them will have more difficulty to pass the exams and practise sports or haveing a relax moment ot the weekends. I also think that this would discriminate agianst the students that they’re getting good marks.

If the aim of the government is to lower the number of the students that don’t pass the exams, it seems to me that there is a better alternative: if they spend more money on more schools and teachers in the country would get better results.

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