Fernando Alonso was born in Spain in 1981.He's been involved in cars recers sinse hewas 4 years old, when he won the first race. At the age of eight, he won an Asturies competition, and later he won a Spanish competition. His big breack came in 2001, when Alonso signed a contract with Renault. In the year that followed, he won some racers, and after thath, he won his fist world chamion trophy in Formula 1. He was the most poplular man of all time, because he was the youngest man to win the world champion trophy. Since than, Also has had another fantastic year and won again the world champion trophy with Renoult, too. After that, Alonso brocke up and he went to Ferrari. Actually, he didn't win again the world champion trophy, but next year he wants to try it again.

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